Natale e' una festa molto importante e religiosa in Italia. Risponda ai seguenti domande (SU UN FOGLIO SEPARATO - on a separate sheet of paper to be turned in at the end of class)
1. Where did the actual celebration of Christmas most likely originate?
2. What is a presepio?
3. Where is the Vatican located? Is it a separate country or part of Italy? (Note that the picture located in this entry is a picture St. Peter's cathedral at the Vatican during Christmastime. A large Christmas tree and a presepio are placed at the center of the large piazza).
4. According to the article below, what does an Italian Christmas revolve around?
5. Name 5 dishes that an Italian family might eat on Christmas Eve or Christmas day:
6. Why do Italians eat lentils on New Years Eve (i.e. what do they represent?)?
mercoledì, dicembre 15, 2010
lunedì, dicembre 13, 2010
Mysterious Symbols Found in Mona Lisa's Eyes!!!
Check out this interesting article about mysterious symbols and letters found hidden in Mona Lisa's eyes!
venerdì, dicembre 10, 2010
La pubblicita' in italiano
1. What is the name of the prodotto advertised in this commercial?
2. Name 3 of the vegetables in italian that are dancing around in the commercial:
3. Describe the Maxibon, in one sentence, in italian:
4. Name five different types(shapes) of pasta Barilla.
5. Watch Italian chef Giada prepare an Italian dish. Choose a video. What Italian dish did you watch her prepare?
6. How fast is a Ferrari? How long does it take for a Ferrari to go from o to 60 MPH?
Check out this ad:
7. What is the featured sandwich on the McDonald menu in Italy?
8. How many calories does a McMenu have: ?? How many grams of fat? (Note: It's not very healthy. Don't eat fast food! Go home and make yourself some pasta!!!! It's less expensive and healthier)
9. Watch the video on the founding of CocaCola in italiano. What is lo slogan (hint: it appears at the end of the commercial):
2. Name 3 of the vegetables in italian that are dancing around in the commercial:
3. Describe the Maxibon, in one sentence, in italian:
4. Name five different types(shapes) of pasta Barilla.
5. Watch Italian chef Giada prepare an Italian dish. Choose a video. What Italian dish did you watch her prepare?
6. How fast is a Ferrari? How long does it take for a Ferrari to go from o to 60 MPH?
Check out this ad:
7. What is the featured sandwich on the McDonald menu in Italy?
8. How many calories does a McMenu have: ?? How many grams of fat? (Note: It's not very healthy. Don't eat fast food! Go home and make yourself some pasta!!!! It's less expensive and healthier)
9. Watch the video on the founding of CocaCola in italiano. What is lo slogan (hint: it appears at the end of the commercial):
mercoledì, dicembre 08, 2010
Want to learn how to cook some yummy Italian food?

Check out the videos on this website Giada is a great Italian chef, and she makes dishes that are easy enough for you to cook at home! Let me know what recipes you tried to make at home!
For more pasta ideas, go to, because as you know, Dove c'e' Barilla, c'e' casa.
venerdì, dicembre 03, 2010
As we near the end of the semester....
It's time to review.
Make sure you are:
-coming to class and completing all of your in-class assignments.
-studying your notes, so you are prepared for tests and quizzes.
For extra Italian practice online, visit:
Make sure you are:
-coming to class and completing all of your in-class assignments.
-studying your notes, so you are prepared for tests and quizzes.
For extra Italian practice online, visit:
martedì, novembre 16, 2010
martedi, 16 novembre 2010
- Don't forget to pay for your hoodie in Room 225A. Cost: $22.
- We are having a test on Geography tomorrowHonor Students: Your
- Honors students: Your Switzerland work is due tomorrow. A one page summary of the comic book and a one page essay on something you learned about Switzerland.
- Check out - a site that randomly takes you to a point on a map around the world. Where did mapcrunch bring you today?
Assignment - Lavoro per oggi
Answer the following Geography review questions:
1. What is the capital of Italy?
2. Which city is considered Italy's fashion capital?
3. What are the two largest islands of Italy and what are their capitals?
4. What is the name of the sea surrounding Italy?
5. What is Vatican City?
6. Who is the prime minister of Italy?
7. Pizza was invented in which Italian city?
8. Name 3 famous Italian artists:
9. Who is the head leader of Vatican city?
10. Which countries border with Italy?
11. Which Italian city has no cars and is comprised of a series of waterways?,+Italy&sa=X&oi=map&ct=title
12. What is Mt. Vesuvius?
13. Which extinct language is the "mother" of the Italian language?
14. In which Italian city is the Coliseum located?
15. What is the largest port city in Italy?
- Don't forget to pay for your hoodie in Room 225A. Cost: $22.
- We are having a test on Geography tomorrowHonor Students: Your
- Honors students: Your Switzerland work is due tomorrow. A one page summary of the comic book and a one page essay on something you learned about Switzerland.
- Check out - a site that randomly takes you to a point on a map around the world. Where did mapcrunch bring you today?
Assignment - Lavoro per oggi
Answer the following Geography review questions:
1. What is the capital of Italy?
2. Which city is considered Italy's fashion capital?
3. What are the two largest islands of Italy and what are their capitals?
4. What is the name of the sea surrounding Italy?
5. What is Vatican City?
6. Who is the prime minister of Italy?
7. Pizza was invented in which Italian city?
8. Name 3 famous Italian artists:
9. Who is the head leader of Vatican city?
10. Which countries border with Italy?
11. Which Italian city has no cars and is comprised of a series of waterways?,+Italy&sa=X&oi=map&ct=title
12. What is Mt. Vesuvius?
13. Which extinct language is the "mother" of the Italian language?
14. In which Italian city is the Coliseum located?
15. What is the largest port city in Italy?
martedì, novembre 09, 2010
Take this quiz - Write the grade you received on a piece of paper.
Answer the following questions:
1. Describe the city of Venezia in one sentence.
2. Describe the city of Verona in one sentence.
3. What and where are the DOLOMITI?
4. How old is Rome, the capital of Italy?
5. Tell me five facts about the Colosseum:
Take this quiz - Write the grade you received on a piece of paper.
Answer the following questions:
1. Describe the city of Venezia in one sentence.
2. Describe the city of Verona in one sentence.
3. What and where are the DOLOMITI?
4. How old is Rome, the capital of Italy?
5. Tell me five facts about the Colosseum:
giovedì, ottobre 28, 2010
Pumpkin Orzo Risotto
1/2 onion, minced
2 tbs fresh sage (we have this spice growing in our garden at Schurz - see me to procure some!)
2 Tbs olive oil
Saute' onions and sage in olive oil.
Add 1 16oz box of ORZO (a type of small Italian pasta, available at most food stores). Saute' for five more minutes on medium flame.
Add 3 1/2 cups of chicken broth and 1/2 cup of pumpkin puree. Stir until warmed.
Add 3/4 cup of Parmesean Cheese!
1/2 onion, minced
2 tbs fresh sage (we have this spice growing in our garden at Schurz - see me to procure some!)
2 Tbs olive oil
Saute' onions and sage in olive oil.
Add 1 16oz box of ORZO (a type of small Italian pasta, available at most food stores). Saute' for five more minutes on medium flame.
Add 3 1/2 cups of chicken broth and 1/2 cup of pumpkin puree. Stir until warmed.
Add 3/4 cup of Parmesean Cheese!
giovedì, ottobre 21, 2010
Halloween in Italia

1. Why do Italians leave the doors open when they set out food and go to church on All Souls Day (La festa di ognispirito)
2. November 1st is the Festa di OgniSanto, and it is a holiday in Italy (no school!). What do people do on this day?
3. What is 'stregheria'?
4. Why is the Church of the Cappuccini in Palermo called a 'Human Library'
5. What does this church use for decoration? CLICK ON "CRYPT"
6. Many people report seeing ghostly visions of Santa Lucia. She is commonly depicted as a young girl holding her gouged out eyes on a tray. Her husband is the one who turned her into authorities for what crime? What was her punishment?
2. November 1st is the Festa di OgniSanto, and it is a holiday in Italy (no school!). What do people do on this day?
3. What is 'stregheria'?
4. Why is the Church of the Cappuccini in Palermo called a 'Human Library'
5. What does this church use for decoration? CLICK ON "CRYPT"
6. Many people report seeing ghostly visions of Santa Lucia. She is commonly depicted as a young girl holding her gouged out eyes on a tray. Her husband is the one who turned her into authorities for what crime? What was her punishment?
venerdì, ottobre 15, 2010
Discovery Atlas: Italy
1. Play atlas quest. Write down your answers, and tell me your points total:
2. Click on three of the places on the map of Italy and tell me why they are special:
3. Take this quiz. Write down your correct answers:
2. Click on three of the places on the map of Italy and tell me why they are special:
3. Take this quiz. Write down your correct answers:
venerdì, ottobre 08, 2010
La Unione Europea
1. When was the European Community founded?
2. Which countries belong to the European Community?
3. Which countries are CANDIDATES for membership in the European Community?
4. Why would these European want to form an alliance? Read the quote below for a clue, but be sure to put your answer in your own words:
"The EEC had as its aim the eventual economic union of its member nations, ultimately leading to political union. It worked for the free movement of goods, service, labour and capital, the abolition of trusts and cartels, and the development of joint and reciprocal policies on labour, social welfare, agriculture, transport, and foreign trade."
5. Which city is the administrative capital of the European Union?
6. How many official languages does the European Community have?
7. What is the highest denomination banknote of the EURO, the official currency of thirteen of the EU member states?
8. Finally, draw the flag of the European Union. What do the 12 stars and the color blue traditionally represent?
9. When you're done, buy a caffe' here:
lunedì, ottobre 04, 2010
Schurz Italian 2010-2011 hoodie!

Here is is: The BELLISSIMO winning design for our hoodie, a combo of the designs by Jessica Rodriguez and Graciela Carillo. I will be talking to the printing people this week to figure out how much our hoodies will cost and I will get back to you all next week with pricing and ordering information. GRAZIE to everybody who entered our design contest!
giovedì, settembre 30, 2010
Sempre Diritto
Qui vicino
A destra
A sinistra
AL angolo
Sempre Diritto
Qui vicino
A destra
A sinistra
AL angolo
lunedì, settembre 27, 2010
three things to do today!
1. Finish your essay and turn it in to me if you haven't already.
2. Design a t-shirt for Italian students at - please print our your design.
Write down 10 Italian words and 3 expressions/questions that appear in this slideshow and tell me what they mean in English:
4. Write down 10 Italian words and 3 expressions/questions that appear in this slideshow and tell me what they mean in English:
2. Design a t-shirt for Italian students at - please print our your design.
Write down 10 Italian words and 3 expressions/questions that appear in this slideshow and tell me what they mean in English:
4. Write down 10 Italian words and 3 expressions/questions that appear in this slideshow and tell me what they mean in English:
lunedì, settembre 20, 2010
Making up Missing Quizzes
If you miss class the day of a quiz, you will need to make up the quiz by completing extra work.
To make up a missing quiz 1, 2, or 3, please do page 15 in Italiano in Giro, exercises, a, B, and C. I will grade this assignment as a quiz grade.
Please see me if you have any questions.
Professoressa Bocchetta
To make up a missing quiz 1, 2, or 3, please do page 15 in Italiano in Giro, exercises, a, B, and C. I will grade this assignment as a quiz grade.
Please see me if you have any questions.
Professoressa Bocchetta
bell ringer
L'ufficio postale...
Il supermercato...
Al bar...
Alla gelertia...
Alla gelteria...
Alla pizzeria...
Alla chiesa...
vende frutta e verdura
ospita turistia
manda le lettere
si chiama o'lla mangio gelas
uno beve un caffe'
ringrazio dio
mangioo una pizza con pomodori e formaggio
L'ufficio postale...
Il supermercato...
Al bar...
Alla gelertia...
Alla gelteria...
Alla pizzeria...
Alla chiesa...
vende frutta e verdura
ospita turistia
manda le lettere
si chiama o'lla mangio gelas
uno beve un caffe'
ringrazio dio
mangioo una pizza con pomodori e formaggio
giovedì, settembre 16, 2010
mercoledì, settembre 15, 2010
Bell ringer
Come si chiama il tuo film preferito?
Come si chiama il tuo ristoranto fast food preferito?
Quale gusto di gelato ti piace di pui'?
Ti piacciono i broccoli?0quale frutta ti piace di piu'?
Quale frutta ti piace di piu'?
Quale verdura ti piace di piu'?
Come si chiama il tuo ristoranto fast food preferito?
Quale gusto di gelato ti piace di pui'?
Ti piacciono i broccoli?0quale frutta ti piace di piu'?
Quale frutta ti piace di piu'?
Quale verdura ti piace di piu'?
martedì, settembre 14, 2010
lunedì, settembre 13, 2010
Computer Lab 13 settembre 2010
1. What are the top ten Italian words?
Write down 5 phrases associated with ordering breakfast:
(Click the boxes that say Italian and English so you can see the words)
Write down ten Italian words associated with sightseeing in a new city:
4. What is your opinion on Italy's decision in this article:
Write down 5 phrases associated with ordering breakfast:
(Click the boxes that say Italian and English so you can see the words)
Write down ten Italian words associated with sightseeing in a new city:
4. What is your opinion on Italy's decision in this article:
venerdì, settembre 10, 2010
attivita' campanella
Come si chiama la persona a destra di te?
Come si chiama la persona a sinistra di te?
Come va la scuola?
Come si chiama la persona a sinistra di te?
Come va la scuola?
giovedì, settembre 09, 2010
La banana e'...
L'erba e'...
Il cielo oggie'...
La mela e'...
La matita e'...
Una nuvolae'...
I colori di schruz sono...
Il mare e'...
La mare'...
La bandiera italianae'...
La bandiera americane'...
La banana e'...
L'erba e'...
Il cielo oggie'...
La mela e'...
La matita e'...
Una nuvolae'...
I colori di schruz sono...
Il mare e'...
La mare'...
La bandiera italianae'...
La bandiera americane'...
mercoledì, settembre 08, 2010
bell ringer
Chi e' la maestra?
Quando comincia la scuola?
Come stai?
Quanto costa il pranzo?
Dove sta l'orologio?
Che cosa mangi per pranzo?
Costa tre dollari.
Quale classe ti piace di piu'?
Professoressa Bocchetta.
Motto bene, grazie.
Mangio la pizza.
La classe d'italiano!
Sta sul muro.
Comina a settembre.
Chi e' la maestra?
Quando comincia la scuola?
Come stai?
Quanto costa il pranzo?
Dove sta l'orologio?
Che cosa mangi per pranzo?
Costa tre dollari.
Quale classe ti piace di piu'?
Professoressa Bocchetta.
Motto bene, grazie.
Mangio la pizza.
La classe d'italiano!
Sta sul muro.
Comina a settembre.
lunedì, giugno 07, 2010
martedì, maggio 18, 2010
Penne Pasta (like we had at the restaurant!)
1 1/2 cups plain tomato sauce1/4 cup buuter1/4 lb. prosciutto (ham) cut in small pieces1/3 cup vodka1/2 cup whipping creamsalt and freshly groung pepper to taste1 lb penne1/2 cup freshly grated parmesan
Melt butter in a large skillet. When the butter foams, add prosciutto (ball). Saute over medium heat until lightly colored. Add vodka and stir until it has evaporated. Stir in tomato sauce and cream. Simmer uncovered 8 to 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Fill a very large pan 2/3 full with salted water. Bring water to a boil. Add penne.Bring water back to a boil and cook penne uncoverd until tender but firm to the bite. 8 to 10 minues. Drain penne and place in skillet with the sauce. Toss the penne and suace over medium heat until sauce covers penne, 20 to 30 seconds. serve immediately with Parmesan cheese
1 1/2 cups plain tomato sauce1/4 cup buuter1/4 lb. prosciutto (ham) cut in small pieces1/3 cup vodka1/2 cup whipping creamsalt and freshly groung pepper to taste1 lb penne1/2 cup freshly grated parmesan
Melt butter in a large skillet. When the butter foams, add prosciutto (ball). Saute over medium heat until lightly colored. Add vodka and stir until it has evaporated. Stir in tomato sauce and cream. Simmer uncovered 8 to 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Fill a very large pan 2/3 full with salted water. Bring water to a boil. Add penne.Bring water back to a boil and cook penne uncoverd until tender but firm to the bite. 8 to 10 minues. Drain penne and place in skillet with the sauce. Toss the penne and suace over medium heat until sauce covers penne, 20 to 30 seconds. serve immediately with Parmesan cheese
giovedì, maggio 13, 2010
mercoledì, maggio 12, 2010
ESSAY - Due next Friday
You are to write a one to two page typed essay, comparing and contrasting the experiences of the families portrayed in il Nuovomondo and bajo la misma luna. How is immigration today similar or different from the wave of Italian immigration in 1890-1910?
Please cite historical references as well. To help you, read this entry:
200 points (if you do not submit an essay, you will likely fail Italian)
Please cite historical references as well. To help you, read this entry:
200 points (if you do not submit an essay, you will likely fail Italian)
Immigration II
Take this virtual tour of Ellis Island and answer the following questions:
1. What was the first test that the immigrants had to pass upon arrival at Ellis Island?
2. What would the officials do if they suspected someone had a disability?
3. What would happen to immigrants who had incurable diseases or disabilities?
4. How long did the immigration process usually take?
5. How much money did immigrants need to have on hand in order to enter America, according to a 1909 law?
6. What was the 'kissing post?"
1. What was the first test that the immigrants had to pass upon arrival at Ellis Island?
2. What would the officials do if they suspected someone had a disability?
3. What would happen to immigrants who had incurable diseases or disabilities?
4. How long did the immigration process usually take?
5. How much money did immigrants need to have on hand in order to enter America, according to a 1909 law?
6. What was the 'kissing post?"
venerdì, maggio 07, 2010
Immigrazione italiana

1. Why did so many Italian immigrate to the US in the late 1800's?
2.How many Italians immigrated to the US from 1880 - 1930?
3. What is Ellis Island?
4. What did Italians call Ellis Island?
5. What is 'anti-Italianism'?
6. Name 6 of the most important Italian contributions to the world:
martedì, aprile 27, 2010
Verbi italiani
1. What are the top 10 Italian verbs and tell me what they mean in English?
2. Choose five of the top ten Italian verbs and conjugate into the following subject pronouns in the PRESENTE:
3. Italian is the official language of which countries?
4. Italian is the official language of San Marino...where is San Marino? (draw a simple map)
2. Choose five of the top ten Italian verbs and conjugate into the following subject pronouns in the PRESENTE:
3. Italian is the official language of which countries?
4. Italian is the official language of San Marino...where is San Marino? (draw a simple map)
lunedì, aprile 26, 2010
il Colosseo

2. How did Gladiators train?
3. What kinds of animals were sent into the ring to fight with gladiators?
4. When was the Colosseo built and how many people did it seat?
5. Click on "Launch the animation" and answer the question:
What are the six structures of the Colosseo?
6. Why was sand sprinkled on the floor of the arena?
lunedì, aprile 19, 2010
Assignment for April 19th - Italian Proverb Sign
Each of you will be making a sign to decorate our bulletin board.
- Go to the website link below.
- Choose a proverb that you agree with.
- Go to microsoft work and make a page illustrating your proverb with nice fonts and clip art (if you need to learn how to add clip art, ask me and I'll teach you!)
- Make sure you write the proverb in Italian - provide an English translation in small print
- Print out your page and give to me at the end of class.
- Worth 40 points!
giovedì, aprile 08, 2010
Today's lesson is on the city of Venice. Please take out a sheet of paper and answer questions 1-8, due at the end of class.
1. Go to Google Maps and type in Venice, Italy.
Click on "satellite" for a satellite image.
Task: Can you see any cars on the island of Venice? Buses? Trains?
2. Task: What is a gondola?
3. What are public bus boats called in Venice?
4. What happens during this time of year in Venice (in the fall, especially in October and November)?
5. When and why is Carnevale celebrated in Venezia?
6. What is the Venetian island of Murano famous for?
7. What hotel would you stay in in Venice - and how much would it cost you per night?
8. Finally, which U.S. city has a replica of the city of Venice as part of a hotel?
9: EXTRA CREDIT: What is the Bocca della Verita?
1. Go to Google Maps and type in Venice, Italy.
Click on "satellite" for a satellite image.
Task: Can you see any cars on the island of Venice? Buses? Trains?
2. Task: What is a gondola?
3. What are public bus boats called in Venice?
4. What happens during this time of year in Venice (in the fall, especially in October and November)?
5. When and why is Carnevale celebrated in Venezia?
6. What is the Venetian island of Murano famous for?
7. What hotel would you stay in in Venice - and how much would it cost you per night?
8. Finally, which U.S. city has a replica of the city of Venice as part of a hotel?
9: EXTRA CREDIT: What is the Bocca della Verita?
lunedì, marzo 15, 2010
Festa della Donna
Go to this site and complete the webquest for la Festa della Donna - International Women's Day
Looking for a summer job? Great America!
Six Flags Great America Looking to Fill Over 1,200 Open Seasonal Jobs
Theme Park Hires 3,200 Each Year, Open Positions Remain for 2010 Season
WHAT: Six Flags Great America Job Fair
WHEN: Saturday, March 13 10-3 p.m.
Tuesday, March 23 12-8 p.m.
Tuesday, April 6 12-8 p.m.
Tuesday, April 20 3:30-8 p.m.
WHERE: Six Flags Great America
542 N. Route 21 Gurnee, IL 60031
Employee Entrance
INFO: Visit for more information
Six Flags Great America provides continuous opportunities for employment with over 3,200 people employed each season. Job Fairs are scheduled at Six Flags Great America on March 13 and March 23, as well as April 6 and April 20. Candidates can learn about a variety job positions available at the park, including ride operations, admissions, games and food services. Applicants are encouraged to complete their online application prior to the hiring events. The application process is available 24 hours a day at
Six Flags Great America is located between Chicago and Milwaukee and offers fun for the entire family with heart-pounding roller coasters including Raging Bull, a free 15-acre water park, spectacular shows and parades and three children’s themed areas. New in 2010 – the Little Dipper, a historic wooden roller coaster formerly of Kiddieland, the Glow in the Park Parade, a nighttime illuminated parade with Cirque Du Soleil-style music and MagiQuest, a new 8,000 square foot live-action interactive game.
# # #
About Six Flags, Inc:
Six Flags, Inc., is a publicly-traded corporation headquartered in New York City and is the world's largest regional theme park company with 19 parks across the United States, Mexico and Canada.
SIX FLAGS: TM & © 2010 Six Flags Theme Parks Inc.
Theme Park Hires 3,200 Each Year, Open Positions Remain for 2010 Season
WHAT: Six Flags Great America Job Fair
WHEN: Saturday, March 13 10-3 p.m.
Tuesday, March 23 12-8 p.m.
Tuesday, April 6 12-8 p.m.
Tuesday, April 20 3:30-8 p.m.
WHERE: Six Flags Great America
542 N. Route 21 Gurnee, IL 60031
Employee Entrance
INFO: Visit for more information
Six Flags Great America provides continuous opportunities for employment with over 3,200 people employed each season. Job Fairs are scheduled at Six Flags Great America on March 13 and March 23, as well as April 6 and April 20. Candidates can learn about a variety job positions available at the park, including ride operations, admissions, games and food services. Applicants are encouraged to complete their online application prior to the hiring events. The application process is available 24 hours a day at
Six Flags Great America is located between Chicago and Milwaukee and offers fun for the entire family with heart-pounding roller coasters including Raging Bull, a free 15-acre water park, spectacular shows and parades and three children’s themed areas. New in 2010 – the Little Dipper, a historic wooden roller coaster formerly of Kiddieland, the Glow in the Park Parade, a nighttime illuminated parade with Cirque Du Soleil-style music and MagiQuest, a new 8,000 square foot live-action interactive game.
# # #
About Six Flags, Inc:
Six Flags, Inc., is a publicly-traded corporation headquartered in New York City and is the world's largest regional theme park company with 19 parks across the United States, Mexico and Canada.
SIX FLAGS: TM & © 2010 Six Flags Theme Parks Inc.
la Toscana
1. Draw a tiny, basic map of Italy. What is the name of the regional capital of Tuscany and where is it located? (write a star and the name of the city on your little map). Next place a star on your map indicating the location of the capitale d'italia, Roma.
2. Tuscany is known as the birthplace of the Renaissance. Name five famous Italian artists of the Renaissance and for each artist, tell me the name of one of their famous works of art.
Take a look at the slideshow here: to answer the following questions:
4. How do you say "Dome" in Italian.
5. What do they sell on the Ponte Vecchio and what does Ponte Vecchio mean?
6. What is the name of the main river in Firenze? (see slide 19)
7. How do you say 'Palace' in Italian? (slide 30)
Who is buried in Santa Croce? see slide 43
2. Tuscany is known as the birthplace of the Renaissance. Name five famous Italian artists of the Renaissance and for each artist, tell me the name of one of their famous works of art.
Take a look at the slideshow here: to answer the following questions:
4. How do you say "Dome" in Italian.
5. What do they sell on the Ponte Vecchio and what does Ponte Vecchio mean?
6. What is the name of the main river in Firenze? (see slide 19)
7. How do you say 'Palace' in Italian? (slide 30)
Who is buried in Santa Croce? see slide 43
venerdì, marzo 05, 2010
Cultural Review Questions
Cultural Review
1. What is the capital of Italy?
2. What is the fashion capital of Italy?
3. Who is the current prime minister of Italy?
4. How many regions are there in Italy? Name 5 regions
5. What two large islands are part of Italy?
6. What is the Vatican and where is it located?
1. What is the capital of Italy?
2. What is the fashion capital of Italy?
3. Who is the current prime minister of Italy?
4. How many regions are there in Italy? Name 5 regions
5. What two large islands are part of Italy?
6. What is the Vatican and where is it located?
Charlie Trotters!

Thanks to our fantastic group of students who attended the trip to the world famous Charlie Trotter's restaurant at 816 West Armitage in Chicago's Lincoln Park neighborhood. As usual, this group of Schurz students was class, well-mannered and well dressed! But most of all this was an adventurous crew that tried some very *interesting* dishes!
martedì, marzo 02, 2010
La Moda Italiana - VALENTINO
Click on this link below and do the LA MODA ITALIANO - VALENTINO activity
giovedì, febbraio 18, 2010
Amore e altri aggettivi
Quiz on adjectives...
Look at the links and answer the questions:
1. Come si dice " shy" in italiano?
2. Come si dice "full" in italiano?
3. Come si dice "bad" in italiano?
4. Come si dice "angry" in italiano?]
5. Come si dice "empty" in italiano?
6. Come si dice "sporco" in inglese?
7. Come si dice "early" in italiano?
8. Come si dice "cold" in italiano?
9. Come si dice "shut/closed" in italiano?
10. How would you describe this person in italiano (give me two adjectives)?
11. A very useful Italian expression is "Amore e' cieco" (love is blind!). Keeping that in mind, how would you describe this person in italiano? (give me two adjectives)
12. How would you describe this person in italiano? (give me two adjectives)
13. How would you describe this person in italiano? (Give me two adjectives).
14. Who is this man?
15. Come si dice "I love you a lot" in italiano?
Wishing you all tanto tanto AMORE in your lives!
Look at the links and answer the questions:
1. Come si dice " shy" in italiano?
2. Come si dice "full" in italiano?
3. Come si dice "bad" in italiano?
4. Come si dice "angry" in italiano?]
5. Come si dice "empty" in italiano?
6. Come si dice "sporco" in inglese?
7. Come si dice "early" in italiano?
8. Come si dice "cold" in italiano?
9. Come si dice "shut/closed" in italiano?
10. How would you describe this person in italiano (give me two adjectives)?
11. A very useful Italian expression is "Amore e' cieco" (love is blind!). Keeping that in mind, how would you describe this person in italiano? (give me two adjectives)
12. How would you describe this person in italiano? (give me two adjectives)
13. How would you describe this person in italiano? (Give me two adjectives).
14. Who is this man?
15. Come si dice "I love you a lot" in italiano?
Wishing you all tanto tanto AMORE in your lives!
martedì, febbraio 09, 2010
Io non ho paura
1. Here is an article about a recent kidnapping (it took place just a few days ago), similar to what happened in Io non ho paura. Who was responsible for the kidnappings in this case?
2. When did the film Io non ho paura take place?'m_Not_Scared
3. What were 'gli anni di piombo'? What characterized these years in Italy?
4. Name 5 cities in Southern Italy:
2. When did the film Io non ho paura take place?'m_Not_Scared
3. What were 'gli anni di piombo'? What characterized these years in Italy?
4. Name 5 cities in Southern Italy:
mercoledì, febbraio 03, 2010
San Valentino!
venerdì, gennaio 15, 2010
Lo slang in italiano
Make a list of 15 expressions using Italian slang:
Choose the slang expressions from the different categories.
Going out
Play up/Play down
Choose the slang expressions from the different categories.
Going out
Play up/Play down
lunedì, gennaio 11, 2010
la cucina italiana
1. Italians eat pasta every day, sometimes twice a day. Name 10 different pasta shapes (click on the long pasta, short, and soup pasta links at the bottom of the webpage link listed below to see the different shapes).
2. Watch the chef cook lasagna. Name 5 ingredients that are necessary to cook lasagna and translate these ingredients into italian (
3. Take the Quiz at the bottom of the webpage link below and tell me which Italian destination fits your personality. Look up this destination on wikipedia, and tell me three facts about this destination.
2. Watch the chef cook lasagna. Name 5 ingredients that are necessary to cook lasagna and translate these ingredients into italian (
3. Take the Quiz at the bottom of the webpage link below and tell me which Italian destination fits your personality. Look up this destination on wikipedia, and tell me three facts about this destination.
mercoledì, gennaio 06, 2010
Make a word cloud about YOU
1. Go to and write down 15 words IN ITALIANO that describe you. Things you like, adjectives (bella, intelligente, simpatico, etc.).
2. go to and create a word cloud. Include your name in the word cloud, so I know who you are. Please print your word cloud.
2. go to and create a word cloud. Include your name in the word cloud, so I know who you are. Please print your word cloud.
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