martedì, gennaio 30, 2007

Our Italian Connection / La Cultura dei Giovani

***** Students: I have set up a 'Yahoo Group' for you to be able to connect with your sister school classmates in Milano, Italy. I will need your email address. I will be sending you an "INVITATION" to join our Yahoo Group. When you receive the invitation, please follow the directions and log on. I will approve your membership, and soon we can begin posting and exchanging messages.

1. Go to: Click on: Moda dei Giovani
What clothing styles are popular for kids your age in Italy?

2. Go to:
What musical artists/shows are popular right now in Italy?
Listen to artist interviews in Italian at

3. Go to:,,Orsobalosso^628,00.html
and watch an "Orso Balosso' cartoon. Che succede nel cartone animato? (What happens to Orso Balosso in your cartoon?)

4. What are the headlines in today's Italian newspaper?
What are the sports headlines?

5. When you're done, buy a caffe here. :)

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