mercoledì, dicembre 12, 2007

lunedì, novembre 26, 2007

Natale in Italia

Natale e' una festa molto importante e religiosa in Italia. Risponda ai seguenti domande (SU UN FOGLIO SEPARATO)

1. Where did the actual celebration of Christmas most likely originate?

2. What is a presepio?

3. Where is the Vatican located? Is it a separate country or part of Italy? (Note that the picture located in this entry is a picture St. Peter's cathedral at the Vatican during Christmastime. A large Christmas tree and a presepio are placed at the center of the large piazza).

4. According to the article below, what does an Italian Christmas revolve around?

5. Name 5 dishes that an Italian family might eat on Christmas Eve or Christmas day:

6. Why do Italians eat lentils on New Years Eve (i.e. what do they represent?)?

giovedì, novembre 15, 2007


Italian Americans have greatly contributed to our country. 1. On a separate sheet of paper, make a list of 5 Italian Americans. For each person, note why they became famous. Use the link below to help you.
2. What did the Jacuzzi family invent?
3. What did Antonio Meucci invent?
4. What is Nicolas Cage's real birth name?
5. What famous character did Lou Ferrigno play in many tv shows and movies?
Extra credit: What is the name of the famous Italian American baseball player shown above?

mercoledì, ottobre 31, 2007

Buon Halloween!!!

1. What are the catacombs of Rome?


Why didn't the Christians cremate their dead?

3. How many underground (subterranean) burial grounds are there in Rome?

4. Take a look here at a picture of the catacombs:

5. Check out this church in Rome. What are the church decorations made of?

6. How many bodies were used to 'decorate' this church?

7. What does the inscription in the church mean?

“Quello che voi siete noi eravamo,Quello che noi siamo voi sarete."

venerdì, ottobre 05, 2007

1. Although Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, a seaport town in Italy, he sailed under the flag of Spain. Columbus visited many of Europe's kings and queens asking for support before _____________________________________ finally agreed to pay for his famed voyage of exploration. Find the answer at :

2. In 1492, Columbus set off West across the Atlantic Ocean in search of a new trade route to the Far East, or Asia, the source of valuable spices, silks, and luxuries. Columbus actually landed on an island in the Bahamas called __________, which he renamed _________________________. Find the answer at

3. Before steam power, ocean travel was slow and difficult. The Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria sailed an average of only ____________ miles per day. Find the answer at :

4. After 34 days at sea, many sailors wanted to turn back. They thought the world was _________ and were afraid of _____________. Columbus convinced them to wait. The next day they saw _____________________ and knew land was nearby. Find the answer at

5. When Columbus first came to what he called the New World, people had lived in the Americas for ___________________________ of years. Find the answer at

6. Columbus and the Europeans who followed him brought new technologies, ideas, plants, and animals to the Americas. Name three. _________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Find the answer at

7. Europeans also brought new diseases with them. Within 150 years, the number of native people north of Mexico fell from about 10 million to _______________, mostly due to smallpox. Find the answer at


Italian Americans have greatly contributed to our country. On a separate sheet of paper, make a list of 10 Italian Americans. For each person, note why they became famous.

giovedì, settembre 27, 2007

Navy Pier Photos

Lezione 2 - La citta' di Venezia

Today's lesson is on the city of Venice. Please take out a sheet of paper and answer questions 1-8, due at the end of class.

1. Go to Google Maps and type in Venice, Italy. Click on "satellite" for a satellite image.Task: Can you see any cars on the island of Venice? Buses? Trains?

2. Task: What is a gondola?

3. What are public bus boats called in Venice?

4. What happens during this time of year in Venice (in the fall, especially in October and November)?

5. When and why is Carnevale celebrated in Venezia?

6. What is the Venetian island of Murano famous for?

7. What hotel would you stay in in Venice - and how much would it cost you per night?

8. Finally, which U.S. city has a replica of the city of Venice as part of a hotel?

For Fun: Here's the video of the song by Tiziano Ferro that we've listened to in class:Perdono

giovedì, settembre 13, 2007


Laboratorio Lezione I
Benvenuti al laboratorio!In today's lesson, you will familiarize yourself with some useful websites. Please answer all the questions in your QUADERNO. I will be checking them in at the beginning of our next class. This assignment is worth 20 points.

1. Go to Radio Dimensione Suona, click on 100% GRANDI SUCCESSI, then click on Playlist, and choose an Italian song to listen to (scroll down - there are lots of songs to choose from). Task: Write down the name of the song that you listened to (make sure it's an ITALIAN song, and not Spanish or English). Sometimes flashplayer doesn't work, so you'll have to finish this quesiton at t he library, where flashplayer should work on the computers.

2. Next head over to Google Earth. Now type "Venice, Italy" into the search bar. Click on SATELLITE, so you get the satellite view. What is special about this city, from what you can see from the satellite?

3. Watch this short video on Italians vs. Europeans by Bruno Bozzetto. Task: What are three differences between Italians and Europeans. Do Italians always follow the rules?

4. And just to make you laugh...check out this video entitled "Adamo" at by the Italian computer cartoonist Bruno Bozzetto.

5. Task: Write down one of the main headlines, in Italiano of course, from today's edition of La Repubblica.

6. Go to Click on English to Italian. Task: How do you write: "I am the best student in the world. I love Italian." in Italian?

7. How much does a new Lamborghini Reveton - the newest car which debuted at the recent Frankfurt, Germany Auto show - cost? Which car would you prefer, a 2007 Ford Taurus or a 2007 Lamborhini Reveton?

venerdì, maggio 25, 2007

Discovery Atlas

Explore Italy!
1. Click on "Trapani" - a small town on the island of Sicilia. How long have people been free diving and why?

2. Click on "Smallest Nation" - it's near Rome - What is the smallest nation in the world? Hint: It's located within Italy. Who lives there?

Do the Atlas QUEST. Go to and click on ITALY.
3. What month do most Italians go on vacation?
4. How many languages are spoken in Italy?
5. What score did you get on the Discovery Atlas Quiz?

Finally, Go HERE:
to do a puzzle, send an ecard and take video tours!

mercoledì, maggio 23, 2007

23 Maggio 2007 * Italiano I

Per favore, fate il quiz "Fine Anno Vocabolario Review" che si trova sul quizstar (see link below):

lunedì, maggio 07, 2007

Ripasso / Review: 7 maggio 2007

There are TWO review quizzes posted at:

Before you take each quiz, review the following website, which contains info on i verbi italiani:

Extra Credit:

Go to and click on '100% Grandi Successi' and then 'Playlist'. What are the names of the Italian songs included in the playlist and how would you translate them into English?

martedì, maggio 01, 2007

1 Maggio, 2007 - QUIZ

Cari studenti -

Per favore, andate sul per fare il quiz "Mi piace VS. Mi piacciono"

Ms. Souza

giovedì, aprile 26, 2007

4th period Italian I - Mosaic Project

Creating our newsletter: the Oppenheimer mosaic project

We are going to create a newsletter, to be handed out at the unveiling ceremony of our completed mosaic.
Each group is required to complete ONE page of our informational brochure.
Please include pictures and work to make your page as creative and interesting as possible.
Make sure that you are writing using your own words, and not copying and pasting information from the Internet.
Please provide pictures of mosaics from your area of concentration.
I have provided links – click on them for help researching your topic.

Group 1
What is a mosaic and how do you create one?

Group 2
The history of mosaics
: Mosaics in the ancient world and the Byzantine (make sure to mention Ravenna, the capital of mosaic arts during the Byzantine era).

Group 3
: Please provide information on the Italian city of Ravenna. Include information on the mosaics of Ravenna.

Group 4
Mosaics in Ancient Mexico

What is the history of mosaics in Mexico? Please include pictures of the famous Aztec turquoise serpent mosaic, found in the British museum in London and the mosaic masks.

Group 5 The Chagall mosaic in Chicago

What is the Chagall mosaic? Who created it? Where is it? What does it signify?

venerdì, aprile 20, 2007

Take the quiz on IL CIBO in ITALIANO at:

If you finish early, go to, and answer the following questions for extra credit:

1. What is the biggest difference between northern and southern Italian cooking?

2. What's special about Italian coffee? What is it called?

Define the following words:

3. antipasto

4. primo

5. secondo

6. dolce

7. What do most Italians eat at Christmas?

giovedì, aprile 12, 2007

World Cultures Club

Here are some links to see your name in a different language!

Your name in Chinese:

Your name in hieroglyphs:

Your name in Thai:

Visit other countries online at:

Take a look at:
London, England
Edinburgh, Scotland
Rome, Italy
Florence, Italy
Beiijing, China
Mexico City, Mexico

mercoledì, aprile 11, 2007

Quiz sul Possessivo

Per prendere il quiz:

1. Log onto

2. Click on ADD CLASS.

3. You then need to search for your class period.
Key in Schurz Italian 4th period (or whatever period you are in)

4. Add yourself to that class. I will approve you and then I will tell you when you can take the quiz. Log back in to take the quiz.

5. When you are done with the quiz, please go back to yesterdays assignment. Try finding the Coliseum and St. Peter's Cathedral on the new map site (#5 from yesterday's assignment).

MERCOLEDI' 11 aprile 2007

***Tomorrow we will be in the computer lab, taking a test on il possessivo

***If you need to make up a quiz, go to quiz star and make it up - today's your day!
Go to:

We are going to begin studying about food - vocabulary and Italian cuisine. Please answer the following questions on a half sheet of paper:

1. What do you think the expression: Chi mangia bene, mangia Italiano! means?

2. When was the first pizza delivered and who was it delivered to? What was the name of the restaurant that delivered the first pizza?,1607,7-125-2961_21430_21431-53822--,00.html

3. The tomatoe is a very important part of Italian cuisine. Where did the tomatoe originate?

4. What did ancient Greek and Roman athletes eat before sports events, as well as the workers who built the pyramids and why did they eat it? (hint: it is a major ingredient in Italian cuisine)

5. Finally, take a trip to Italy! This site is similar to Google Earth, but it is now in 3-D! Grazie to 4th period student Ruben Sopt for alerting me to this cool new website!

mercoledì, marzo 28, 2007

Cinema Paradiso Quiz

Please click on the link below to take the Cinema Paradiso quiz.

giovedì, marzo 22, 2007

World Cultures Club!!!! Internet Treasure Hunt

Be the first, second or third student to find the answers to the following questions and you'll *win* a small prize!!!!

1. What are the four great inventions of China?


What is the capital of China? In what year will this capital city be hosting the summer olympics?

3. How many miles long is the Great Wall of China?

4. Draw a small picture of the Chinese flag:

5. Draw the Chinese character "Fu" which means Good luck.

Cinema Paradiso

1. Cinema Paradiso takes place on the island of Sicily. Click on the link below and write 5 facts about Sicilia.

2. Draw your own verson of La Bandiera di Sicilia:

Qual'e' la capitale di Sicilia?

Here is the English script from Cinema Paradiso. Write down the line you found the most memorable:

5. View a clip from Cinema Paradiso.
Which clip did you view?

martedì, marzo 20, 2007

World Cultures Club - Trip to Charlie Trotters!!!!

The World Cultures Club had an amazing trip to Charlie Trotter's restaurant in February, 2007. We experienced a very *interesting* type of fusion cuisine and tried MANY new and *interesting* dishes! The staff complimented our group on their willingness to try new things and their extreme politeness and good manners.
Here we are in the studio where Charlie Trotter films his television show.

martedì, marzo 13, 2007


1. Go to and take the PARTI DEL CORPO E AVERE quiz.

2. Domani uno chef viene a visitare.
Go to
What is the job outlook for chefs?
What is the average salary (earnings) for a chef?

Name two cooking schools in Chicago.

4. Of the following quick recipes, which one would you most like to try?
Bucatini all'Amatriciana:This zesty pancetta and tomato sauce is commonly associated with Lazio and Rome, but is actually from the town of Amatrice, which was in the Abruzzo until Mussolini redrew the maps.
Spaghetti alla Carbonara:A pancetta (or bacon)-and-egg sauce might sound odd, but it is very good.
Spaghetti alle vongole, with clams:If you plan ahead you can use live clams, and the cooking time will be about the same. Otherwise, use canned clams; the results are quite good!
Pasta alla Puttanesca:There are a number of stories about the origins of this zesty sauce, the raciest being that a Puttana, or Lady of the Evening, could cook it in the time it took her to take care of a client, and enjoy it while recovering from her exertions. Whatever, it is good.

martedì, febbraio 27, 2007

Lezione per il 27 Febbraio

1. Go to and register yourself as a student. WRITE DOWN your login name and password.

2. Do a 'Class Search'

Enter teacher last name 'Souza'

Click on 'Schurz Italiano I' and Register.

I will approve your registration so you can take the quiz near the end of class.

2. Il Festival di San Remo is similar to 'American Idol,' however the artists that are competing are already well-known by the public. Go to:,,RaiUno-Sanremo2007^15882,00.html and watch the video.

Enter our Italiano I class and take the quiz "Giorni, Settimane, Mesi, Stagioni, Anni della vita"

4. When you are done with the quiz, go to and watch some more videos of artists competing in San Remo in italiano.

giovedì, febbraio 15, 2007

2007 Unicef/Innoccenti Report on the World's Children

1. Please register as a New user on

This is a new website that allows you to turn in your papers online. Make sure you write down your user name and password - keep it simple so you'll remember it. You will be using this website for other classes as well.

2. Click on "Join Class" and enter the ID# 1821942

The password is _______________

3. Every year, the UNICEF/Innocenti Research Center in Italy release a report on the state of the world's children. According to the 2007 report, why is the U.S. one of the worst places to be a child?,1,6120068.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed

Write a short essay answering the question above. Please share your thoughts on the report. Save the essay on your computer, in your folder, and then turn it in at under Italian I.

martedì, febbraio 06, 2007

La communita' europea

1. When was the European Community founded?

2. Which countries belong to the European Community?

3. Which countries are CANDIDATES for membership in the European Community?

4. Why would these European want to form an alliance? Read the quote below for a clue:

"The EEC had as its aim the eventual economic union of its member nations, ultimately leading to political union. It worked for the free movement of goods, service, labour and capital, the abolition of trusts and cartels, and the development of joint and reciprocal policies on labour, social welfare, agriculture, transport, and foreign trade."

5. Which city is the administrative capital of the European Union?

6. How many official languages does the European Community have?

7. What is the highest denomination banknote of the EURO, the official currency of thirteen of the EU member states?

8. Finally, draw the flag of the European Union. What do the 12 stars and the color blue traditionally represent?

martedì, gennaio 30, 2007

Our Italian Connection / La Cultura dei Giovani

***** Students: I have set up a 'Yahoo Group' for you to be able to connect with your sister school classmates in Milano, Italy. I will need your email address. I will be sending you an "INVITATION" to join our Yahoo Group. When you receive the invitation, please follow the directions and log on. I will approve your membership, and soon we can begin posting and exchanging messages.

1. Go to: Click on: Moda dei Giovani
What clothing styles are popular for kids your age in Italy?

2. Go to:
What musical artists/shows are popular right now in Italy?
Listen to artist interviews in Italian at

3. Go to:,,Orsobalosso^628,00.html
and watch an "Orso Balosso' cartoon. Che succede nel cartone animato? (What happens to Orso Balosso in your cartoon?)

4. What are the headlines in today's Italian newspaper?
What are the sports headlines?

5. When you're done, buy a caffe here. :)

giovedì, gennaio 25, 2007

High School and Beyond: Facts to Remember


High school dropouts: $19,169

High school graduates: $27,915

College graduates: $51,554.

Chicago Public Schools requires all students to successfully complete two years of a world language to qualify for high school graduation.

Most four-year colleges require two years of high school world language study for admission.

People who speak more than one language generally earn between 5 and 20 percent more per hour than the people who only speak one language.

High School and Beyond

Go to:
Input foreign language into the Keyword space
Input Chicago, IL into the Location space
Click on Find Jobs
1.Name an open position that might interest you.
2.Does the open position require a specific foreign language, or general foreign language skills?
3.What is the listed salary for the position?
4.Write a brief description of the position. What do you think a person in this position would do on a daily basis?

Browse the careers listed in the U.S. Dept. of Labor’s Occupational Outlook Handbook, available online at :
Find a career that interests you and answer the following questions for each:

1. What training /education/ qualifications are required for the position?

2. What is the average salary?

3. What is the job outlook?

giovedì, gennaio 11, 2007

Create your profile to send to Italy!!!

Today you are going to create a profile of yourself, to present to the students at our sister school in Milano, Italia, l'Istituto Kandinsky, IN ITALIAN. I want you to describe yourself - add pictures and graphics - BE CREATIVE! What do you do in your spare time? What are your dreams for the future? What music do you like to listen to? What is your favorite book, movie, food to eat? I want to know about YOU in ITALIAN! Your work should be at least one page (including pictures and graphics). Let's show Italy the best of you.

The BEST profile will win a tote bag from the Istituto Kandinsky.

You can use WORD or POWER POINT. Please email me your work at

Take a look at our sister school's website by clicking on the link below:

PS: The artist of the painting above and namesake of the Istituto Kandinsky is Wassily Kandinsky, a Russian artist who created some of the first modern abstract paintings. Read his bio below for more information.
Wassily Kandinsky (Russian: Василий Кандинский, first name pronounced as [vassi:li]) (December 16, 1866 [O.S. December 4] – December 13, 1944) was a Russian painter and art theorist. One of the most famous 20th-century artists, he is credited with painting the first modern abstract works.
Kandinsky was born in Moscow but spent his childhood in Odessa. He enrolled at the University of Moscow and chose law and economics. Although quite successful in his profession—he was offered a professorship (chair of Roman Law) at the University of Dorpat—he started painting studies (life-drawing, sketching and anatomy) at the age of 30.
In 1896 he settled in Munich and studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich. He went back to Moscow in 1918 after the Russian Revolution. Being in conflict with official theories on art, he returned to Germany in 1921. There he was a teacher at the Bauhaus from 1922 until it was closed by the Nazis in 1933. At that time he moved to France where he lived the rest of his life, becoming a French citizen in 1939. He died at Neuilly-sur-Seine in 1944.(Russian: Василий Кандинский, first name pronounced as [vassi:li]) (December 16, 1866 [O.S. December 4] – December 13, 1944) was a Russian painter and art theorist. One of the most famous 20th-century artists, he is credited with painting the first modern abstract works.
Kandinsky was born in Moscow but spent his childhood in Odessa. He enrolled at the University of Moscow and chose law and economics. Although quite successful in his profession—he was offered a professorship (chair of Roman Law) at the University of Dorpat—he started painting studies (life-drawing, sketching and anatomy) at the age of 30.
In 1896 he settled in Munich and studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich. He went back to Moscow in 1918 after the Russian Revolution. Being in conflict with official theories on art, he returned to Germany in 1921. There he was a teacher at the Bauhaus from 1922 until it was closed by the Nazis in 1933. At that time he moved to France where he lived the rest of his life, becoming a French citizen in 1939. He died at Neuilly-sur-Seine in 1944.

domenica, gennaio 07, 2007

World Cultures Club!!!!

World Cultures Club trip to the International Youth Hostel, December 2006