mercoledì, gennaio 26, 2011

Oltre Liceo * High School and Beyond

***After you do your work, vote for me, again! Vote for me! If I win this contest, we will have a pane e nutella day in class! :) All you have to do is click the thumbs up "like" symbol.

Task for today:
Go to:
Input foreign language into the Keyword space
Input Chicago, IL into the Location space
Click on Find Jobs

1.Name an open position that might interest you.

2.Does the open position require a specific foreign language, or general foreign language skills?

3.What is the listed salary for the position?

4.Write a brief description of the position. What do you think a person in this position would do on a daily basis?

Browse the careers listed in the U.S. Dept. of Labor’s Occupational Outlook Handbook, available online at : a career that interests you and answer the following questions for each:

5. What training /education/ qualifications are required for the position?

6. What is the average salary?

7. What is the job outlook?

giovedì, gennaio 13, 2011

Review Day!

1. Vote for me! If I win this contest, we will have a pane e nutella day in class! :) All you have to do is click the thumbs up "like" symbol.

2. Take this quiz. Write your answers on paper.

3. Take this quiz. Write your answers on your paper.

4. If you have extra time, take some more quizzes. They will help you study for your final and you'll improve your Italian!

lunedì, gennaio 03, 2011

Time to review for l'ESAME FINALE

Time to prepare for final exams! Please go to the BBC Italian website and review section 2
2. Meeting people
Spelling your name
Where you come from
Friends and family
Saying what you do

Write the answers to the CHALLENGE on a sheet a paper to be turned in at the end of class.