1. Register for a free account at http://www.italian-flashcards.com/
2. Review the Practice Words. Click on LOOP to move from card to card.
3. Take the English multiple choice test and the Italian multiple choice test. Write just the answers on your sheet of paper. You will log this assignment into your compito log tomorrow.
mercoledì, febbraio 25, 2009
venerdì, febbraio 06, 2009
Amore e altri aggettivi

1. Come si dice " shy" in italiano?http://italian.about.com/library/fare/blfare128a.htm
2. Come si dice "full" in italiano?http://italian.about.com/library/fare/blfare128a.htm
3. Come si dice "bad" in italiano?http://italian.about.com/library/fare/blfare128a.htm
4. Come si dice "angry" in italiano?http://www.enchantedlearning.com/languages/italian/subjects/adjectives.shtml]
5. Come si dice "empty" in italiano?http://www.enchantedlearning.com/languages/italian/subjects/adjectives.shtml
6. Come si dice "sporco" in inglese?http://www.enchantedlearning.com/languages/italian/subjects/adjectives.shtml
7. Come si dice "early" in italiano?http://www.enchantedlearning.com/languages/italian/subjects/adjectives.shtml
8. Come si dice "cold" in italiano?http://www.enchantedlearning.com/languages/italian/subjects/adjectives.shtml
9. Come si dice "shut/closed" in italiano?http://www.enchantedlearning.com/languages/italian/subjects/adjectives.shtml
10. How would you describe this person in italiano (give me two adjectives)?http://www.sports-photos.com/catalog/images/MichaelJordan3Clr.tif.jpg
11. A very useful Italian expression is "Amore e' cieco" (love is blind!). Keeping that in mind, how would you describe this person in italiano? (give me two adjectives)http://images.wikia.com/uncyclopedia/images/thumb/3/33/Ugly_man_2.jpg/180px-Ugly_man_2.jpg
12. How would you describe this person in italiano? (give me two adjectives)http://images.eonline.com/eol_images/Profiles/20060913/244.winfrey.oprah.091906.jpg
13. How would you describe this person in italiano? (Give me two adjectives).http://img2.timeinc.net/people/i/2006/specials/sma06/sma_gallery/johnny_depp.jpg
14. Who is this man?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Prodi27032007.jpg
15. Come si dice "I love you a lot" in italiano?
Wishing you all tanto tanto AMORE in your lives!
Wishing you all tanto tanto AMORE in your lives!
martedì, febbraio 03, 2009
I Rani
Nuovi animali scoperti in Columbia.
Che cos'e' una rana?
Che cos'e' una rana?
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