giovedì, aprile 26, 2007

4th period Italian I - Mosaic Project

Creating our newsletter: the Oppenheimer mosaic project

We are going to create a newsletter, to be handed out at the unveiling ceremony of our completed mosaic.
Each group is required to complete ONE page of our informational brochure.
Please include pictures and work to make your page as creative and interesting as possible.
Make sure that you are writing using your own words, and not copying and pasting information from the Internet.
Please provide pictures of mosaics from your area of concentration.
I have provided links – click on them for help researching your topic.

Group 1
What is a mosaic and how do you create one?

Group 2
The history of mosaics
: Mosaics in the ancient world and the Byzantine (make sure to mention Ravenna, the capital of mosaic arts during the Byzantine era).

Group 3
: Please provide information on the Italian city of Ravenna. Include information on the mosaics of Ravenna.

Group 4
Mosaics in Ancient Mexico

What is the history of mosaics in Mexico? Please include pictures of the famous Aztec turquoise serpent mosaic, found in the British museum in London and the mosaic masks.

Group 5 The Chagall mosaic in Chicago

What is the Chagall mosaic? Who created it? Where is it? What does it signify?

venerdì, aprile 20, 2007

Take the quiz on IL CIBO in ITALIANO at:

If you finish early, go to, and answer the following questions for extra credit:

1. What is the biggest difference between northern and southern Italian cooking?

2. What's special about Italian coffee? What is it called?

Define the following words:

3. antipasto

4. primo

5. secondo

6. dolce

7. What do most Italians eat at Christmas?

giovedì, aprile 12, 2007

World Cultures Club

Here are some links to see your name in a different language!

Your name in Chinese:

Your name in hieroglyphs:

Your name in Thai:

Visit other countries online at:

Take a look at:
London, England
Edinburgh, Scotland
Rome, Italy
Florence, Italy
Beiijing, China
Mexico City, Mexico

mercoledì, aprile 11, 2007

Quiz sul Possessivo

Per prendere il quiz:

1. Log onto

2. Click on ADD CLASS.

3. You then need to search for your class period.
Key in Schurz Italian 4th period (or whatever period you are in)

4. Add yourself to that class. I will approve you and then I will tell you when you can take the quiz. Log back in to take the quiz.

5. When you are done with the quiz, please go back to yesterdays assignment. Try finding the Coliseum and St. Peter's Cathedral on the new map site (#5 from yesterday's assignment).

MERCOLEDI' 11 aprile 2007

***Tomorrow we will be in the computer lab, taking a test on il possessivo

***If you need to make up a quiz, go to quiz star and make it up - today's your day!
Go to:

We are going to begin studying about food - vocabulary and Italian cuisine. Please answer the following questions on a half sheet of paper:

1. What do you think the expression: Chi mangia bene, mangia Italiano! means?

2. When was the first pizza delivered and who was it delivered to? What was the name of the restaurant that delivered the first pizza?,1607,7-125-2961_21430_21431-53822--,00.html

3. The tomatoe is a very important part of Italian cuisine. Where did the tomatoe originate?

4. What did ancient Greek and Roman athletes eat before sports events, as well as the workers who built the pyramids and why did they eat it? (hint: it is a major ingredient in Italian cuisine)

5. Finally, take a trip to Italy! This site is similar to Google Earth, but it is now in 3-D! Grazie to 4th period student Ruben Sopt for alerting me to this cool new website!