domenica, dicembre 17, 2006

Natale in Italia

Natale e' una festa molto importante e religiosa in Italia. Risponda ai seguenti domande (SU UN FOGLIO SEPARATO)

1. Where did the actual celebration of Christmas most likely originate?

2. What is a presepio?

3. Where is the Vatican located? Is it a separate country or part of Italy? (Note that the picture located in this entry is a picture St. Peter's cathedral at the Vatican during Christmastime. A large Christmas tree and a presepio are placed at the center of the large piazza).

4. According to the article below, what does an Italian Christmas revolve around?

5. Name 5 dishes that an Italian family might eat on Christmas Eve or Christmas day:

6. Why do Italians eat lentils on New Years Eve (i.e. what do they represent?)?

mercoledì, dicembre 13, 2006


Italian Americans have greatly contributed to our country. On a separate sheet of paper, make a list of 10 Italian Americans. For each person, note why they became famous.

Extra credit: What is the name of the famous Italian American baseball player shown to the left?

lunedì, dicembre 04, 2006

Lo Slang in Italiano

Go to:
And make a list of 25 Italian slang expressions. Listen and practice the pronunciation. Write down each expression and tell me what it means in English.