domenica, dicembre 17, 2006

Natale in Italia

Natale e' una festa molto importante e religiosa in Italia. Risponda ai seguenti domande (SU UN FOGLIO SEPARATO)

1. Where did the actual celebration of Christmas most likely originate?

2. What is a presepio?

3. Where is the Vatican located? Is it a separate country or part of Italy? (Note that the picture located in this entry is a picture St. Peter's cathedral at the Vatican during Christmastime. A large Christmas tree and a presepio are placed at the center of the large piazza).

4. According to the article below, what does an Italian Christmas revolve around?

5. Name 5 dishes that an Italian family might eat on Christmas Eve or Christmas day:

6. Why do Italians eat lentils on New Years Eve (i.e. what do they represent?)?

mercoledì, dicembre 13, 2006


Italian Americans have greatly contributed to our country. On a separate sheet of paper, make a list of 10 Italian Americans. For each person, note why they became famous.

Extra credit: What is the name of the famous Italian American baseball player shown to the left?

lunedì, dicembre 04, 2006

Lo Slang in Italiano

Go to:
And make a list of 25 Italian slang expressions. Listen and practice the pronunciation. Write down each expression and tell me what it means in English.

mercoledì, novembre 29, 2006

World Cultures Club

Order your t-shirts!!!! The winning design was created by Natasha Guzman. You can pay for your shirt in 225A - the cost is $16. It's a great t-shirt!!!! (Grazie, Natasha!)

To take a look at our t-shirt...go to Click on 'Retrieve your design' and enter my email address The winning t-shirt is titled 'PEACE'

Also - remember that we are meeting tomorrow, Thursday. This meeting is mandatory if you are planning on coming with us on the overnight trip to the International Youth Hostel, where we'll be making delicious Brazilian food!!!!

Leonardo Da Vinci e il Codice Segreto

In this webquest, you will become familiarized with the history behind the novel and movie, The DaVinci Code. Answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What is the Holy Grail?

2. Scroll down the above webpage to the section titled: The Secret of the Holy Grail.
In the novel, The DaVinci Code, what is the secret of the holy grail?

3. Why are the secrets of the Grail connected, according to the fictional novel, to Leonardo Da Vinci's work?
The author of The DaVinci Code, Dan Brown, contends that the figure seated to the right of Jesus is Mary Magdalene. Take a look at the painting, and decide for yourself:

***See if you can spot the mysterious hand with the knife in the Last Supper:

4. Many people believe that the Mona Lisa is actually a self-portrait by Leonardo as a woman, and that the androgyny reflects the sacred union of male and female which is implied in the holy union of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Such parity between the cosmic forces of masculine and feminine has long been a deep threat to the established power of the Church. The name Mona Lisa is actually an anagram for "Amon L'Isa", referring to the father and mother gods of Ancient Egypt (namely Amon and Isis).
Take a look at these websites. Do you believe that Mona Lisa is actually a self-portrait of Leonardo Da Vinci? AND

5. This handwriting generator will show you how DaVinci wrote in his secret code:
How would Leonardo have written, “Ti amo?”

6. How can you create a sense of depth in a painting - a tecnique used by Leonardo?

7. on “Enter Site”
Then click on previews, and view some of the film trailers for the movie, The DaVinci Code.

If you have extra time today, you may play some of the games at:

venerdì, novembre 17, 2006


Click on 5 of the following links below and write a brief summary (about 5 sentences) on a separate sheet of paper or in your composition book explaining the history of each.
1. Cenacolo di Da Vinci
2. Istituto Marangoni
3. La Galleria di Milano
4. Il Duomo di Milano
5. La Scala di Milano
6. Pinacoteca di Brera
7. Malpensa
8. Lago di Como
10. Navigli di Milano
PS: Do your teacher a favor! CLick on the following link and vote for my son DANIEL!!!!

giovedì, ottobre 12, 2006

Lezione 3 - La citta' di Venezia

Today's lesson is on the city of Venice. Please take out a sheet of paper and answer questions 1-8, due at the end of class. You may also send me your answers via email.

1. Go to Google Maps and type in Venice, Italy. Click on "satellite" for a satellite image.
Task: Can you see any cars on the island of Venice? Buses? Trains?

2. Task: What is a gondola?

3. What are public bus boats called in Venice?

4. What happens during this time of year in Venice (in the fall, especially in October and November)?

5. When and why is Carnevale celebrated in Venezia?

6. What is the Venetian island of Murano famous for?

7. What hotel would you stay in in Venice - and how much would it cost you per night?

8. Finally, which U.S. city has a replica of the city of Venice as part of a hotel?

For Fun: Here's the video of the song by Tiziano Ferro that we've listened to in class:

giovedì, settembre 14, 2006

Laboratorio Lezione I

Benvenuti al laboratorio!
In today's lesson, you will familiarize yourself with some useful websites. Please answer all the questions on a sheet of paper, or email me with your responses at
This assignment is worth 20 points.

1. Press play on the video player located below this post. This is a very popular Italian singer, named Eros Ramazzotti. Now go to Radio Dimensione Suona, click on Playlist, and choose an Italian song to listen to (scroll down - there are lots of songs to choose from). Task: Write down the name of the song that you listened to (make sure it's an ITALIAN song, and not Spanish or English).

2. Next head over to Google Earth. Now type "Naples, Italy" into the search bar. Click on "satellite" to get a live satellite image. Zoom in and explore. Can you find Mt. Vesuvio - the volcano that erupted and destroyed Pompeii in 79AD? It is still active, and could actually explode at any time. Task: Is there smoke coming out of Mt. Vesuvius today?

3. Watch this short video on Italians vs. Europeans by Bruno Bozzetto. Task: What are three differences between Italians and Europeans. Do Italians always follow the rules?

4. And just to make you laugh...check out this video entitled "Adamo" by the Italian computer cartoonist Bruno Bozzetto.

5. Task: Write down one of the main headlines, in Italiano of course, from today's edition of La Repubblica.

6. Finally, go to Click on Free Translation. Then click on English to Italian. Task: How do you write: "I am the best student in the world. I love Italian." in Italian?

venerdì, settembre 01, 2006


Benvenuti alla classe ITALIANO I. Sono Signora Souza, la vostra maestra. Quest'anno impareremmo un sacco di cose! Se mai avete delle domande, o se trovate qualcosa d'interessante sul internet, fatemi sapere e lo aggiungermo al nostro sito.
Mi fa molto piacere lavorare con voi quest'anno, e vi auguro un anno scolastico stupendo!